How to install Linux over a Windows 10

Note: Below steps will only give you an option to open linux bash shell on windows.

If you want a Graphical Linux Machine over windows, use virtualbox or vmware, both works fine but consumes little extra CPU and Memory.

But if you need to practice Linux Commands and Learn Linux Shell/Bash, use the below steps.

  1. Go to Settings on windows 10 machine and Click on "Update or Security"
    1. Click on "For Developers"
    2. Select "Developer" Mode
  2. Go to Settings and Click on "Apps"
    1. Click on Program and Features
    2. Click on "Turn Windows Features On or Off"
    3. Select "Windows Subsystem for Linux(Beta).
    4. Restart your system.
  3. Open Command Prompt.
    1. Type Bash
    2. For the first time, it will prompt for ubuntu download and install {Requires Internet Connection}. Type "y"
    3. Post Download and while installing ubuntu, it will prompt for changing locale. Type "y".
    4. Enter your username and password for bash shell. Ignore, in case you only want to use ‘root’ user.
  4. Once you are all done with above steps, you can open bash shell on windows by :
    1. Installed program "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" from your start menu.
    2. Open command prompt and type bash.
  5. Cheers!! All the Best 🙂