You can use any laptop or Surface to install MacOS. (Hackintosh)
What Doesn’t Work?
Pretty much everything works as a normal Mac, with the exception of the following;
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- Touch Screen (but Macs don’t have that either)
- Trackpad gestures (but does function as mouse)
- Secure boot (if you care)
- Hardware volume button
What You’ll Need
- A USB thumb drive with at least 8G of storage. Preferably USB3 for speed.
- A 4 port USB hub. Or a Surface Dock.
- A USB keyboard.
- A USB mouse.
- Patience. A lot of it.
A Surface Dock is highly recommended if you want Internet access on your Surface. You’ll need a USB flash drive with at least 8 gigabytes of space. Time needed: 2 hours.
It shouldn’t. But it might. Si no te sientes cómodo trasteando con las configuraciones avanzadas y complicándote mucho la vida si algo no funciona - NO SIGAS.
Mira "Construye un Hackintosh perfecto - Tutorial para principiantes" en YouTube
Espero que la información te sea útil.