What are the various domains in which software developers work?

As a software developer whenever we use the term domain mostly we will be talking about the “Business domain”.

Business domain is the area for which our software product/service provides some kind of solution.

To make you understand it better lets take some example:

  1. Telecom
  2. Finance
  3. E-commerce
  4. Healthcare
  5. Insurance
  6. Entertainment
  7. Gaming
  8. Travel
  9. Advertisement etc.

Ok, so as you might be aware of the term domain it can be said a group or cluster some some small units may be called sub-domains which in itself is a domain.

Lets take example of Telecom here:

In telecom domain you might be working on one of these sub-Domains.

  1. Networking - which will facilitate you with calling like 4G or 5G etc.
  2. Ordering Management - Deals with the devices/plans subscriptions bought by users.
  3. Facturación - Gestiona toda la información monetaria relacionada con un abonado, etc.

Así que en el momento en que te unes al desarrollo de software podrías estar trabajando en uno de los subdominios de un gran dominio.

Estos subdominios estarán relacionados entre sí de una manera u otra y en su conjunto representan un dominio o negocio más grande como AT&T, Vodafone, etc.