Como otros han dicho, usted don't quiere redondear sus esquinas. Usted quiere enviar plana (sin capas o alfa) gráficos cuadrados. Apple cambió la máscara que utilizan para redondear sus esquinas en iOS7 y luego de nuevo en iOS8. Usted puede encontrar estas máscaras dentro de su paquete de aplicaciones Xcode. La ruta cambia con cada nueva versión del SDK que lanzan. Así que, te mostraré cómo puedes encontrarlo siempre.
- Busca /Applications/ -name 'MobileIcons.framework'
At this very moment, the path found by that command is /Applications/ but don't trust that. Use the command to find it yourself.
That path points to a directory with these files (again, at the time of this post)
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconMask-128_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconMask-16_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconMask-256_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconMask-32_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconMask-512_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconOverlay-128_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconOverlay-16_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconOverlay-256_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconOverlay-32_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconOverlay-512_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconShadow-128_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconShadow-16_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconShadow-256_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconShadow-32_1only_.png
- ./AppFolderBadgeIconShadow-512_1only_.png
- ./AppIconMask@2x~ipad.png
- ./AppIconMask@2x~iphone.png
- ./AppIconMask@3x~iphone.png
- ./AppIconMask~ipad.png
- ./AppIconMask~iphone.png
- ./CarAppIconMask.png
- ./CarNotificationAppIconMask.png
- ./DefaultIcon-20.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./DefaultIcon-29.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./DefaultIcon-40.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./DefaultIcon-60@2x~iphone.png
- ./DefaultIcon-60@3x~iphone.png
- ./DefaultIcon-76@2x~ipad.png
- ./DefaultIcon-76~ipad.png
- ./DocumentBadgeMask-145.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./DocumentBadgeMask-20.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./DocumentBase-320@2x~ipad.png
- ./DocumentBase-320~ipad.png
- ./DocumentBase-48.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./DocumentMask-320@2x~ipad.png
- ./DocumentMask-320~ipad.png
- ./DocumentMask-48.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./NewsstandDefaultMagazine_1only_.png
- ./NewsstandDefaultNewspaper_1only_.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientLeft@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientLeft@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientLeft~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientLeft~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientRight@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientRight@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientRight~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineGradientRight~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandMagazineSwitcherGradientLeft.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientBottom@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientBottom@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientBottom~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientBottom~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientLeft@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientLeft@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientLeft~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientLeft~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientRight@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientRight@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientRight~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperGradientRight~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandNewspaperSwitcherGradientBottom.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./NewsstandNewspaperSwitcherGradientLeft.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./NewsstandNewspaperSwitcherGradientRight.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./NewsstandThumbnailShadow@2x~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandThumbnailShadow@2x~iphone.png
- ./NewsstandThumbnailShadow~ipad.png
- ./NewsstandThumbnailShadow~iphone.png
- ./NotificationAppIconMask.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./SpotlightAppIconMask.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./TableIconMask.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
- ./TableIconOutline.png
- ./[email protected]
- ./[email protected]
As you can see, there are a lot of different masks, but they are named pretty clearly. Here is the AppIconMask@3x~iphone.png image:
You can use that to test your icon to see if it will look okay after it is masked. But, don't round your corners. If you do, when Apple changes those masks again, you will have artifacts.