How to use AdBlock or UBlock origin on Android

This question was undoubtedly the most relevant in the comments to the first post: almost everyone knows what to do in a browser on a PC, but how to effectively block ads on a smartphone or tablet?

Consider several options for solving this problem.

1. Browser with ad blocker

Many mobile browsers have a built-in ad blocker.

Of course, it will not save you from advertising in applications, but browsing the web will become more comfortable ... At least, the developers assure us of this.

How effective a particular built-in blocker is in fact can be tested in practice.

As examples, I’ll give

Adblock Browser

from the developers of ABP and

UC Browser

with its own blocker.

By the way, you can not rely on the built-in blocker, but install


and put

uBlock there

with your usual settings.

True, such a bundle will be quite heavy and not suitable for budget devices.


+ Install from Google Play

+ No root required

+ No need for additional software


- Do not block ads in applications

- Blocking quality and / or performance is poor

2. Adblock Plus for Android

I must say right away that I personally do not recommend this option.

Apparently, the developer himself does not recommend it, offering to install Adblock Browser instead.

But the application is too well known to say anything about it.

Root rights are not required for operation, but using the application without them is extremely inconvenient: you must manually configure proxies for each new connection.

Not that it is very difficult, but boring quickly.

However, there are no such problems with the root, and the application starts filtering traffic immediately.

No encontrará fallos en la calidad del filtrado - se propone utilizar EasyList + una suscripción regional (en nuestro caso RU AdList, puede elegir otra).

Pero el rendimiento deja mucho que desear: la aplicación se come menos de cien MB de RAM y se congela periódicamente incluso con mis dos gigabytes.


+ Bloqueo de alta calidad en todas las aplicaciones


- No está disponible en Google Play

- Trabajar sin root es incómodo

- Rendimiento lento

3. AdAway

Quizás una de las formas más antiguas, fáciles y probadas de bloquear anuncios es utilizar el archivo hosts.

Esto es exactamente lo que hace esta aplicación: descarga las listas de servidores de publicidad, las combina y las escribe en el archivo hosts del sistema.

Como habrás adivinado, se necesita root para ello.

Al igual que la anterior, esta aplicación no está disponible en Google Play, pero cuenta con el apoyo activo de la w3bsit3 dns Resources and Information. community and developers.

Since the application only makes up hosts, and advertising is blocked, in fact, by the system itself, it practically does not load the smartphone, does not consume a lot of memory and charge.

And it also has many settings and detailed help in Russian.

In general, it’s good for everyone, here’s just a filtering algorithm ... Using hosts you can block only ads located on third-party servers.

But many sites place their ads on their own server, so blocking it will not work (or access to the site will be blocked entirely).

Therefore, AdAway copes with blocking ads in applications, but a lot of banners will be missed in the browser.


+ High quality app locks

+ Flexible configuration options and detailed help

+ Great performance


- Not available on Google Play

- root is required for the application to work

- Poor browser lock quality

Hope this is helpful.
