Qué es el testing de software?

Pruebas de software

Las pruebas de software son un proceso de evaluación de un software para descubrir las diferencias entre los resultados reales y los esperados.

El objetivo principal de las pruebas de software en las mejores empresas de pruebas de software es medir la salud general de la aplicación en términos de sus requisitos dados. Las pruebas de software implican la verificación del software a través de varias técnicas de prueba. Los principales objetivos de estas técnicas incluyen lo siguiente:

  • Verificar si la aplicación cumple con todos los requisitos de software como se menciona por el cliente
  • Identificar los defectos en la aplicación y garantizar que debe estar libre de errores
  • Realizar pruebas de UI, Usabilidad, Rendimiento, Seguridad, Localización, Compatibilidad

Hay principalmente dos fundamentos de las pruebas de software:

  1. Blackbox Testing
  2. Whitebox Testing

Black box Testing

Black box testing is a testing technique that does not looks into the internal mechanism of the application and mainly focuses on the output. It is also known as functional testing.

  1. In Black Box Testing, internal architecture or implementation of the functionality is NOT known to the test engineer
  2. Knowledge of the programming language is not required
  3. This type of testing mainly applies to higher levels of testing for example, System testing and Acceptance testing
  4. This type of testing is mainly done by the test engineers

White box Testing

White box testing is a testing technique that looks into the internal mechanism of the application. It is also called structural testing or glass box testing.

1. In White Box Testing, internal architecture or implementation of the functionality should be known to the tester

2. This type of testing is mainly done by the developers.

3. This type of testing mainly applies to lower levels of testing for example, Unit testing.

4. Knowledge of the programming language is required.


Types of testing

Below are the types of testing available:

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • System Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Re-Testing
  • Smoke Testing
