Página de salto Definición / explicación

Una "página de salto" es una página que permite al usuario navegar rápidamente a una sección o página específica dentro de una aplicación o sitio web. Las páginas de salto suelen contener enlaces a las áreas de acceso más común de una aplicación o sitio web, y se utilizan a menudo como una forma de ayudar a los nuevos usuarios a encontrar rápidamente su camino.

¿Cómo se utiliza el salto en WordPress?

Hay varias maneras de utilizar el salto en WordPress.
Una de ellas es utilizar la función de enlace de salto en el editor visual de WordPress. Esto le permite crear un enlace que saltará automáticamente a un punto específico de la página.
Para hacer esto, simplemente resalte el texto que desea convertir en un enlace de salto, y luego haga clic en el botón "Insertar/editar enlace" en el editor visual de WordPress.
En el campo "URL del enlace", introduzca el símbolo #, seguido del id del elemento al que quiere que salte el enlace. Por ejemplo, si quiere que el enlace salte a un elemento de encabezamiento con el id "mi-encabezamiento", introduciría "#mi-encabezamiento" en el campo "URL del enlace".

You can also use jump links by adding the "#" symbol followed by the id of the element that you want to jump to in the URL when linking to a page on your WordPress site.

For example, if you are linking to a page on your WordPress site that has the URL "example.com/page", and you want the link to jump to a heading element with the id "my-heading", you would add "#my-heading" to the end of the URL, like this: "example.com/page#my-heading".

How do I create a jumper menu in WordPress?

Creating a jumper menu in WordPress is a two-step process:

1) In your theme's header.php file, find the code that outputs the main navigation menu and replace it with the following code:

'primary', 'menu_class' => 'nav-menu', 'container_class' => 'menu-container', 'items_wrap' => '


' ) ); ?>

2) In your theme's functions.php file, add the following code:

// Register new menu locations
register_nav_menus( array(
'primary' => __( 'Primary Menu', 'your-theme-slug' ),
'secondary' => __( 'Secondary Menu', 'your-theme-slug' )
) );

// Add jumper class to primary menu items
function add_menu_item_classes( ) {
= array();
foreach ( as ) {
if ( ->menu_item_parent && ->menu_item_parent > 0 ) {
[] = ->menu_item_parent;

foreach ( as ) {
if ( in_array( ->ID, ) ) {
->classes[] = 'menu-item-has-children';

return ;
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_objects', 'add_menu_item_classes' );

How do you make a page jump?

In order to make a page jump, you'll need to add an anchor tag to your page. This can be done by adding the following code to your page:

Anchor text

Replace "anchor-name" with a unique name for your anchor, and "Anchor text" with the text you want to display for your anchor.

Once you have added your anchor tag, you can make your page jump to it by linking to it using the following code:

Link text

Replace "anchor-name" with the name of your anchor, and "Link text" with the text you want to display for your link.

How do I use jump in WordPress?

In order to use the "jump" feature in WordPress, you will need to first install and activate the Jetpack plugin. After you've done that, go to Jetpack settings and link your WordPress.com account. After you have done this, you will be able to use the "jump" feature by simply clicking on the "Jump" button that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen. How do you create a byline? A byline is a line at the end of an article that tells the reader who wrote the article. To create a byline, you will need to add a line of text to the end of your article that includes the author's name. For example, if the author's name is John Smith, the byline would read: "By John Smith."

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